@ Sea Breeze, the death and resurrection of the saviour figure was in people's minds in the first and second centuries, there were indeed eyewitnesses to the account of a good man, a healer and teacher who had twelve disciples who himself could resurrect the dead. He was indeed tried at two courts, spiritual and secular, humiliated, crucified and put in a tomb. As the Bible says he did absolutely rise from the dead, he was after all seen by upward of five hundred witnesses . . . very convincing, very compelling.
What a comfort for us all! The message is clear, the message is: we CAN overcome death!
Yes I believe every word is true and people really did see these events not just one or two but many many people saw it -- but where did they see it? How did they learn these things? How did five hundred people see Jesus risen from the dead?
The Bible accounts in the Gospels so compress all of the events taking place at the trial and death of Jesus as to lead textual scholars to realise that the Bible has included a transcription of a theatrical play. Habemas has only assembled 'facts' from these events within a play.
There is no other external evidence whatsoever that these things literally took place. No Roman or modern historian, or archeologist or textual scholar has the evidence to prove that the gospel is other than a fiction. Reinforcing this, most of the gospel events individually are culled from earlier literature.